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Home > Great quantities of in a sentence

Great quantities of in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2019-09-13Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: a great quantityin large quantitieslight quantityquantitivequantityin quantityquantitatequantitative
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1. Great quantities of water were sucked up into the air.
2. Great quantities of lighting wattage are not needed.
3. Some go through weeks of eating great quantities of potato chips or ice-cream sandwiches before the forbidden foods lose their allure.
4. Wading birds collect great quantities of small molluscs from sandbanks and mud flats when the tide retreats.
5. Kulcinski argues that the solar wind has implanted great quantities of hydrogen and helium into the lunar regolith.
6. The well expelled great quantities of gas.
7. Great quantities of cases the U S. court are the author's focus of investigation the U.
8. They supply great quantities of agricultural by - products to the state.
9. Reserve Mining disposed of great quantities of mining byproducts by discharging them into Lake Superior.
10. Great quantities of sand were washed down the hillside by the rain.
11. At night we have great quantities of spare electric power.
12. Great quantities of cooling water must be available for condensation of the ethylchloride.
13. They brought in great quantities of bean - curd[], sugar and other easily absorbed foods.
14. Great quantities of soil were washed down the hillside by the rain.
15. Sampling for mammal fossils often involves the patient sieving of great quantities of sediment to extract the fossil teeth.
16. Do not attend a bullfight unless you are prepared to see blood, often great quantities of it.
17. Relying on surface vessels and dredging operations, scientists recovered great quantities of organisms from deep water.
17. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
18. Suppose also that the machines have been carefully programmed and fed with great quantities of data of an appropriate kind.
19. After developing the infrastructure and getting the ball rolling, the mine churned out great quantities of lead and silver.
20. Big banyan tree : Rongjiang county is famous for great quantities of old Banyan trees.
More similar words: a great quantityin large quantitieslight quantityquantitivequantityin quantityquantitatequantitativeunknown quantityquantity of workscalar quantityquantity of moneyquantitativelyvector quantityquantity controlan unknown quantityquantity of outputvariable quantityphysical quantityquantity surveyora large quantity ofquantity discountquantitative dataequilibrium quantityquantity theory of moneyquantitative aspectsquantity of informationquantitative criteriaquantitative analysisquantitative economics
Total 20, 30 Per page  1/1 
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